About me

Welcome to my little corner of the world, I'm glad you're here!


Let me introduce myself. I'm a 20 something with a passion. Sound familiar? That's probably because I'm just ilke you! I enjoy taking naps with my cat and binge watching many a netflix series on my weekend.


I started maggiemovement a few years ago because I wanted there to be more normalisation around mental health. I've struggled since 14 (still do!) with mental health and have also watched so many people I love go through their own struggles too. I've taken a year hiatus from making shirts as I just needed to rediscover my why. I know making some t shirts isn't going to save the world, but making someone smile is a victory for me.


I've spent a long time doubting my creative abilities because looking at an A4 sheet of paper and just figuring out what to draw or paint was always too daunting for me. Then I found digital drawing and nails (my day job is painting funky nails and generally just talking all day). Being creative again has helped save me, I guess that's why I'm here, showing up, because I stand with everyone who struggles.

 I am with you. I stand with you and I believe in you.


Love Mags xxx


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